The warehouse of National Drug is a highly functional, utility building that protects the stored goods from environmental influences in an enclosed environment. This building is equipped with security measures against various disasters like fire and if any fire occurs the technical facilities of the building will allow the fire brigade to reach inside with appropriate fire-fighting equipment. And the locking system of the stored goods will ensure controlled access to the building.
With four different storage conditions: a) 2°C – 8°C, b) 8°C- 15°C, c) 15°C – 25°C, and d) Ambient condition, this warehouse can hold wide range of products that require different temperatures. Remote sensor technology ensures the sensing of the temperature accurately.
Specific quarantine and sampling areas with separate storage location allows the proper containment of cephalosporin and steroids. There are controlled rooms with HVAC for specific materials and the conditions are monitored to confirm compliance with proper requirements. A retention sample room is also in perfectly working order. All the materials are stored in the warehouse by pallet racking. The status of materials and products are controlled by colored status stickers.
The transaction system of the materials maintains a strict ‘first in first out’ procedure. Through SAP, all the accounting and the management of the storage is conducted.